The Pros And Cons Of Using Cloud Storage

Posted on: 19 May 2020

Cloud storage may be one of the buzziest topics in tech. There's a lot to be said for working with a cloud storage provider, but you should understand the pros and cons of these systems before you make a choice. Here is a look at four topics that should be on all IT people's minds when making these decisions. Remote Availability A major pro of cloud storage is that it makes providing files to remote workers much simpler.
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Business Cloud Disaster Recovery Solutions Lock Out Ransomware Threats

Posted on: 30 April 2020

A cardinal rule of kidnapping is do not pay the ransom. If you pay the ransom, the extortionists will target you again and again. Despite this well-learned lesson, businesses are paying more ransom to cybercriminals stealing sensitive data. The average ransomware payment was $84,116 in Q4 2019, more than doubling from $41,198 in Q3.  Cyber thieves know that companies place a high value on recovering stolen data. The reputational damage of data breaches could put a company out of business.
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Fees And Payment Options For ARIN Auctions

Posted on: 20 April 2020

IPv4 was the first version of the IP address and is the most widely used version. However, the newer IPv6 is a replacement to the IPv4, and IPv4 addresses are now in short supply. ARIN auction services are a great way to get a good deal on an IPv4 address. However, you might wonder about the ways that you can pay for an IPv4 address and the fee schedule.  Fee Schedule Your business will usually need to pay an initial fee that corresponds with the IPv4 service category.
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What Smart Home Products Are Worth The Investment?

Posted on: 7 April 2020

If you've looked at any advertising in the last few years, you've likely seen a bunch of products being pitched as essential to a proper smart home. While you're probably sure you don't need that fancy internet-connected toaster, you may still wonder what out there is worth the investment. Let's look at four items you might want to buy from a smart home store. Thermostats Arguably, if you're going to make any investment in smart home products, a good thermostat is the one you want to shell out for.
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